The hardest part of teaching is not...
the mountain of papers to grade
the time and stress of planning the perfect lessons
the pressure of administration, parents, and students all expecting you to perform perfectly
the doubt that clouds your mind while trying to discipline and train students to be responsible
the insecurity that floods as you think about what students might think about you
trying to help your students understand complicated ideas
the frustration of knowing sometimes you just can't get through to them.
The hardest part of teaching is saying goodbye...
to students you love
students who make you laugh
students who have filled the halls with laughter and loud voices and all kinds of shenanigans
students who have popped in to say hello or ask for help or tell you a story
students who have shared life with you, shared tears, shared meals, shared dreams
students who have changed you as you have hoped to change them
students who have written sweet notes of thanks
students who have brought you a piece of chocolate because they know you like it
students who are quirky and smart and unique and fun and nerdy and artsy
students who check in when you seem sad
students whose parents love you
students you share memories with
students you have prayed for and hoped with
students you have seen happy and sad
students whose faces light up when they see you
Yes, saying goodbye is the hardest part.