We have had such an amazing trip so far! We left the Charlotte airport at 1130 and flew to Newark, NJ, and from there to Lima, Peru. We arrived around 10pm, and after making some claims for lost luggage (oops), we drove 2 hours south to to Kawai, one of Scripture Union´s 4 homes for street boys. It was already 1am by the time we got there, so we all crashed.
Saturday: We were off to a VERY EARLY start..up at 530 (ugh)....and then on our way to the Paracas Islands and the Sand Dunes of Ica. We took a boat out to the Paracas Islands in the PACIFIC OCEAN (this was only my third time being on the Pacific...the first time was 2 years ago when I visited Peru with our first group of seniors to visit Peru). I have been to the Islands before (twice), but it was so fun hearing the students...."awwwww.....a penguin....miss jackson, how do you say penguin in spanish? awww look PENGÜINOS" We saw sea lions and little pups. They were so cute playing in the water. We saw lots of GUANAI (some interesting birds that make lots of GUANO.....ick). We saw live starfish, crabs, and anemones.There was one funny looking sea lion. I think he was really old! He was really furry and fat....probably the grandpa! =)

Then, we drove to the sand dunes of Ica for some dune buggying! The students had SOOOO much fun! Our driver was the bravest of of them all! We did some pretty crazy stunts. Up the side of a hill, then a quick turn to take us back down. We sandboarded on our bellies down HUGE HILLS...this time I wasnt as chicken so I didn´t go last.

Sunday: What an amazing day! We led the chapel for the street boys. We did all of our dramas, we led them in worship, and we learned God´s word together. Then afterwards we played futbol (soccer) for over an hour until lunch. Of course, the Peruvians are much better soccer players than us Gringos, but it sure was fun.
We had a yummy lunch of Sopa de Zapallo and then beef and rice. T

One of the things that the street boys do to earn money is make bracelets. The house father - whose name escapes me right now- had all of the boys lay out their bracelets. They then sat in a line and watched us as we picked them out. Their faces were so cute as they watched to see if we would choose the one that they made.
Sunday night, we returned to Lima to spend time with the boys at Casa Girasoles. They just captured our hearts! We played soccer (again) and duck duck goose (gato gato raton for us) and red rover.
It has been so neat to spend time with these boys. Most of them were abandoned by their parents at a very young age and forced to live on the street..due to poverty and inability to feed so many children....or just neglect. They survive by either stealing or by selling themselves. Most people call

God is a God of relationship. He could have used anything to tell us about Him, but He sent His son, to live among us. He is Emmanuel, GOD with us, and through Christ, we can be restored into that relationship. And God continues to work through relationships....as we spend time with these boys, playing and worshipping and sharing the love of Christ. We have relationship with them and have the priveledge of pointing them to the the relationship that will give them a hope and future! God is so merciful and good!
Monday: We drove about 9 hours into the mountains and tomorrow will begin our work at Cusi! More updates to follow...
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