"Sometimes we need to stop analyzing the past, stop planning the future, stop figuring out precisely how we feel, stop deciding exactly what we want, and just see what happens."
I just read this quote somewhere and it seems like I may need to adopt it for my time here. I came to San Luis with ideas of what I was going to DO....it seems that God, so far, is having other plans...BEING and LEARNING.
Yesterday in the morning, Lisa and I went for a hour long walk and just talked about life and about what God is doing here in San Luis. Listening to Lisa and hearing about the work here was so encouraging.
Later, while Lisa and I were enjoying some huevos made by their cook, Naty, Lillian, a friend of Lisa's came over. She is 29 and teaches English and recently has come to know the Lord. We were immediate friends and spent the day together here with Lisa, talking and just enjoying being together. We talked for almost 2 hours after breakfast and then had a sweet time of prayer together.
I am challenged by Lillian and her desire and hunger for the Lord, and I am very happy to have a friend here!!! Last night we hung out with her cousins after her English class.
This morning, Lisa, Lillian, and I went to an Assemblies of God church that is preparing for their VBS that will take place in July. This church loves the Lord and has such a heart for evangelism. They have divided San Luis into 9 zones and have a great program planned for the kids. At the end of VBS, children and parents from the 9 zones will come to a big celebration at the church.
Today they were preparing for day 1....we learned songs with movements and the lessons for the day: Honesty! These ladies were so well organized! God is really using them to reach their community for Christ.
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