Well, I tried to do some blogging from my phone, but it didn't happen! Here is a little about our trip to Kimo, near La Merced Peru. We went with a team of 12 from SouthLake Church to do construction, VBS, and school presentations. It was a great week, and we are all grateful for the Lord's provision and presence throughout the whole time!

This is a Huaro! It is how we got back and forth between Kimo (Scripture Union's Camp in the Jungle) and the main Road.
This is the view of Kimo from the cabin (think camp- bunk beds, 1 bathroom per 5 people). It was a nice sight to wake up to in the mornings.
This is a house in the town of La Merced, the closest town to Kimo. We went into the town 2 days to do gospel presentations and work with Nancy, who is a Scripture Union school's worker. She goes weekly to several schools in the area to teach the Bible. Then in the summer, the kids are invited to Kimo for camp where they are invited learn more fully about Christ.
This is La Merced, capital of the Chanchamayo Province. This area is famous for their coffee!
We spent three days doing VBS, using the Kimo campground as our home base. The first two days we had almost 100 kids, and on the last day we had around 60 (it was a Saturday, and harder for the kids to get there). It was such a sweet time of playing with the kids, teaching them from God's word, making crafts. The great thing is that the work we did is not in isolation. Nancy has been working with these kids already and will continue to do so once we are gone. Our hope is that God planted seeds and that they will continue to grow through the work of Scripture Union and his Spirit!
This is a picture from the second day of VBS. The kids that came were all from one school. Pochi and Loco, the two men in charge of the huaro (cable car), had to bring all of them over to Kimo.
We visited Green Gold Coffee and learned about the process of growing, harvesting, selecting and roasting coffee. Peruvians have a saying about coffee: El café ideal es negro como la noche, caliente como el infierno, puro como un ángel y dulce como el amor (Ideal coffee should be black as the night, hot as "hades", pure as an angel, and as sweet as love)
After our last day of VBS we visited las Cataratas de Bayoz.
Once back in Lima, and suffering from lack of good coffee , we had to make an emergency pit stop. Peru exports all their good coffee and makes all the bad coffee into instant Nescafe, which the Peruvians drink-yuck! Nescafe sounds like no es cafe- it is not coffee!
I found a Vuvezela in Lima. I chased the man down to buy it :) This picture was taken from the main Plaza de Armas in Lima. The mayor wants all Limeños to be able to enjoy the world cup. So they set up a big screen on the Plaza so that everyone can watch every game!

This is a Huaro! It is how we got back and forth between Kimo (Scripture Union's Camp in the Jungle) and the main Road.

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