Friday, July 29, 2011

Pile of paperclips

This pile of paperclips represents 8 years of my life.

8 years of teaching, creating, investing, thinking, planning, and loving.

I spent the past three days going through old files, reorganizing and throwing things away.  As I pulled paper clips off of different sets of copies, all things I had created for my classes, I realized that the past 8 years has been time well spent.

More than ever I love teaching and love my students.  They are a delight to my soul.  Their personalities fill my heart.  Their quirky comments make me laugh ("Miss Jackson, it's as hot as a thermos in here!").  Their faces make me smile.

It is true what Mumford and Son's says: Where you invest your love, you invest your life.

Lord, let me invest my life well!

1 comment:

Christina Jill said...

you live well, my friend... i love to hear your heart bubble over about teaching and your students and ideas...