Tuesday, January 03, 2012

perfect conditions

It was a gray, chilly, overcast day in late October.   The sky was threatening rain, and the clouds seemed ready to burst in to showers at any moment.  There were grumblings from the runners about the cool temperatures and the possible rain.

As we parked the bus, I looked up at the sky and thought about what to tell them before the race.  Something motivational.  Something important.  Something that would encourage them and help them run their best race.

Thinking about the weather conditions and the impending race, I realized that it is not the warm, sunny days that the best races are run.  It is gray, chilly days.  It is when the conditions seem the worst that they are actually the best.

I wondered if it is also true that when the conditions in our lives seem the worst that perhaps they are actually the best.  Maybe it is when everything seems a mess that we find ourselves in the perfect situation to see God at work.  Maybe this is the place where He is most glorified. 

It is true of the cross.  Christ didn't come when we had it together the most.  No, He came to rescue us when we were at our worst.

 You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. ~ Romans 5:6  

Almost every runner had a personal best that day...


Laureen said...

Nice. Needed to hear that...but how is the running when it's stormy and you're fighting wind and rain? i think it's best if you run with friends under those conditions...;)

trish said...

On the way to your house the other night I passed a church and in the marquee was written the phrase, "less than ideal conditions." I think it was the sermon title for that week. When I read it I felt almost as if the Lord had read this blog and He was saying, "I see you. I know the conditions are less than ideal. But just you wait and see what I can do." Ready to see what He will do in your life and mine. Love you!!!