Sunday, February 26, 2012


He was longing for a son to give an inheritance to, but almost a century had passed and there was still no heir.  Yet the Lord spoke to him, saying, "Count the shall your offspring be."

It was thought that she was too old, that she would never be able to have children.  She laughed in disbelief at the idea of bearing a son in her old age.  Yet Yahweh Himself asked her, "Is anything too hard for the Lord?"

God had promised.

They waited.  Time passed.  They stumbled in unbelief and tried to bring about the promise through their own wisdom and means.

Then, at the exact time that God had indicated, a son was born.  He was named Isaac, Yitzhak, laughter.  Though God seemed late and His promise seemed far off, He proved Himself faithful.  Laughter of disbelief became laughter of joy. 

Father, bring us the laughter of joy as we wait and trust in you.  Your timing is perfect and your promises are true.  There is nothing too difficult for you!

1 comment:

Christina Jill said...

I love your hope. I love the growing of it, like a child in Sara's womb. I grow hope with you. I join in Holy Laughter with you, in the waiting for good, not the sarcasm. I'm thankful we are in the whole journey together!