Well, everyone is packing their bags here in Caraz and the bus should be here in an hour to take us back to Lima. It will be a long next two days. After arriving in Lima at 4am, we will sleep on matresses in the Scripture Union Center. Then, after breakfast with the boys there, a tour of Lima, and then the Indian Market for some shopping. Italian food for dinner, a long flight overnight to Houston and then finally our arrival in Charlotte.
It has been an amazing trip, but I think everyone is ready for their beds and hot showers :)

Today was our final day with the children in Kusi. As we drove up we saw some little faces peeking out the door and then disappear once they realized we could see them. They were excited to see us....someone said they had prepared a surprise. As we went into the school, the children greeted us by putting multicolored ribbons around our necks. After the children marched in and sang their national anthem, we were invited to sing ours. Luckily, we didn't start too high :)

What followed was a series of dances by each grade. The first grade danced to a song about the vowels. Each student had one of the vowels on their shirt and did a little solo dance when their letter was mentioned. Later, another grade did a traditional dance. The song talked about giving and receiving baby chicks to show affection. The 6th graders' dance included traditional clothing in bright pinks and yellows and and ropes that they wove together to make a star shape as they danced in a circle. The final dance was to a christian song.

After the student's presentation and a very official thank you from the director of the school (Peruvian style: with big words and serious tone), we did our last day of VBS. Brian, Ani, Kelsey, and Katie led our last singing of "Eres mi todo" (you are my all), which had become sort of our theme song for the trip. Then Kelsey and Lauren reviewed Psalm 23 - with all the motions! After a skit about a lost sheep (with Sam's sound effects) and the Shepherd, all the children got in circles to make sheep sock puppets.....what a mess we made!!! Cotton balls and glue everywhere....missing sheep noses....felt pieces that didn't seem to stick just right....but finally....at the end....a lot of happy children with very cute puppets.
During the bible lesson, most of the boys were hard at work making adobe bricks. Robby, Evan, Mr. Horton, and Mr. Schenkel worked hard at transporting the mud while Farai and some Peruvians shoveled. Andy, Nick, Seth, and Bryant were the official brickmakers. They were much more efficient than the girls...although I think the girls had more fun!
After all of our hard work, another treat! PACHAMANCA Corn, meat, beans, and potatoes cooked in leaves under a hot bed of coals underground! For more info and pictures go to:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PachamancaThe food was amazing!!
After lunch the boys who live at Kusi did some choreographies for us (WOW), and then we had to say our goodbyes. The dance was done to christian music, and the boys do such a good job that they have been invited to present it at a townwide celebration. They are excited about the chance to be a testimony in the community.
So, that brings us to now....we are all packed and showered and ready to go! See everyone soon!
Miss J
1 comment:
This PANCHAMANCA dish sounds too good to be true! Gota get some!
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