Toasted 15 grain bread
Freshly sliced tomatoes
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
Thanksgiving at Gramma's House
Tortellini Soup

Tortellini Soup:
3 Chicken Breasts
1 TB butter or olive oil
3 cans chicken broth (also use the broth from the chicken when you boil it)
1 (9oz) package of refrigerated 3-cheese tortellini
1 (10oz) package of frozen spinach (thawed and dried)
1 (14.5oz) can diced tomatoes with green chilies (undrained)
Parmesan Cheese (optional)
Boil the chicken in salted water for about 15 minutes. Set aside to cool. Saute garlic in butter or olive oil. Add broth and bring to a boil. Add tortelliniand cook 6-7 minutes or until tender. Stir in spinach and tomatoes. Shred chicken and add to soup. Simmer for 20 minutes. Sprinkle parmesan cheese on top and serve. Alternatively you can leave out the chicken and make it super easy and quick.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Back to School
It is almost incredible how quickly time has flown- we are already in week number 6 of school. All the enthusiasm of the first few weeks is beginning to wear down and it has finally hit us-summer is over, school is work, lunch break is only twenty minutes, and all those dreams of doing everything differently, being more "together" are dwindling (but not without a fight!).
Please pray for all the teachers in your life :) It is hard work, and often our dreams of changing the world drown in the sea of paper grading, parent phone calls, and lesson planning.
I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:5
Please pray for all the teachers in your life :) It is hard work, and often our dreams of changing the world drown in the sea of paper grading, parent phone calls, and lesson planning.
I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:5
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
This quote was on a missionary update I read recently...
"Should it surprise us, then, that when God determined to forgive us rather than punish us for all the ways we have wronged him and one another, that he went to the Cross in the person of Jesus Christ and died there? As Bonhoeffer says, everyone who forgives someone bears the other's sins. On the Cross we see God doing visibly and cosmically what every human being must do to forgive someone, though on an infinitely greater scale. I would argue, of course, that human forgiveness works this way because we unavoidably reflect the image of our Creator. That is why we should not be surprised that if we sense that the only way to triumph over evil is to go through the suffering of forgiveness, that this would be far more true of God, whose just passion to defeat evil and loving desire to forgive others are both infinitely greater than ours." --Tim Keller, The Reason for God
"Should it surprise us, then, that when God determined to forgive us rather than punish us for all the ways we have wronged him and one another, that he went to the Cross in the person of Jesus Christ and died there? As Bonhoeffer says, everyone who forgives someone bears the other's sins. On the Cross we see God doing visibly and cosmically what every human being must do to forgive someone, though on an infinitely greater scale. I would argue, of course, that human forgiveness works this way because we unavoidably reflect the image of our Creator. That is why we should not be surprised that if we sense that the only way to triumph over evil is to go through the suffering of forgiveness, that this would be far more true of God, whose just passion to defeat evil and loving desire to forgive others are both infinitely greater than ours." --Tim Keller, The Reason for God
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Home again, home again, jiggity jog
Sunday night Jenny and I arrived back in Charlotte. My school was visible from the airplane definitely brought tears to my eyes. Traveling and searching for adventure is very exciting, but there is nothing like coming home. Especially when you realize that the biggest adventure is trying to live and love the Lord right where you are. Praise God for a good summer and safe travel. I am glad to be home!
Sunday, July 06, 2008
A Pirate's Life For Me!
Thursday, my friend Jenny Eicher and I arrived in Honduras! The first part of our trip....a pirate type adventure!
1. We pilfered: Andrew Davis, Jenny, Andrew's friends (Hugo, Meli, and Hector) and I did some damage at the grocery store. A pirate must eat (of course).
2. We commandeered a ship: The ferry was not running from La Ceiba to Utila, so Andrew found us a not so sketchy guy who would take us across for 30$ a piece...not bad, except the boat was really small and the waves were really big. Therefore, we got really wet (including my poor camera that is not working anymore).
3. We got shipwrecked: Well, not really, but we were accidently dropped off at someone's private dock and we were so wet that it looked like we, and all of our luggage and food, had just washed up on shore.
4. We ended up on a deserted island: this part was actually planned! Our friend Andrew rented Little Cay only 115$ a night, even a pirate can't complain :)
Bus Ride from San Luis Potosi to Mexico City: 31$
Two nights in the Hostel Cenote Azul: 20$
Turibus: 10$
Taxi: 10$
Two nights in the Hostel Cenote Azul: 20$
Turibus: 10$
Taxi: 10$
Seeing Mexico City and hanging out with RUF people and almost getting struck by lightening: PRICELESS!
Angel de Independencia
Friday, June 27, 2008
10 QUE?
Last Sunday I ran my first race since October.....a very slow 10K! I was just glad to run and praising God that I could.
Funny thing...since every thing was in Spanish, somehow I ended up without a chip timer. Glad I had my handy-dandy watch. Next time, I will know!
Funny thing...since every thing was in Spanish, somehow I ended up without a chip timer. Glad I had my handy-dandy watch. Next time, I will know!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Pretty Handwriting
I learned a very helpful phrase yesterday :)
If your friend asks what you think of a guy/girl, and you want to say that they are a nice person, but maybe not that good looking, you can say "Tiene bonita letra," which means he/she has pretty handwriting.
If your friend asks what you think of a guy/girl, and you want to say that they are a nice person, but maybe not that good looking, you can say "Tiene bonita letra," which means he/she has pretty handwriting.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Feliz Cumple, Lily!
Sunday was an exciting day!!! My friend Lillian celebrated her 30th birthday AND got baptized all on the same day. Afterwards we went to her family's house to celebrate!!!
Mi Ranchito
The Mexican people are so beautiful and hospitable! Saturday we were invited out to a Rancho where the McTighe's gardener lives. What we thought would be a morning event ended up being a whole day event that included eating TWICE, riding horses, playing with kids, telling stories, and just spending time together. The McTighe's really have a gift of ministering to people just by being with them, where they are!
NOT a coincidence
Last Monday I went for a run in Parque Morales, right near the McTighe's house. During my cool down walk, a lady coming towards me stopped and said, "Hola.........Miss Jackson?" WHAT! It was the mom of two of my former students!!!! She was in San Luis visiting her family.
We talked a little and then she asked me if I knew anywhere that she could go to church while she was in town, so I invited her to a Bible study that I knew of.
Wednesday, the day of the Bible study was amazing!!!! We all (8 or so of us) ended up being there four hours just sharing stories of God's faithfulness. This lady (from the park) told how she had prayed, on the way to San Luis, for God to provide an opportunity to go to church in Mexico. It also turns out she has been attending Grace Covenant Church (where the McTighe's go when they are in the States and my old church) for the past month and a half! AND, she shared about how God used her sons and SouthLake school to show Himself to her. WOW!!!!
We talked a little and then she asked me if I knew anywhere that she could go to church while she was in town, so I invited her to a Bible study that I knew of.
Wednesday, the day of the Bible study was amazing!!!! We all (8 or so of us) ended up being there four hours just sharing stories of God's faithfulness. This lady (from the park) told how she had prayed, on the way to San Luis, for God to provide an opportunity to go to church in Mexico. It also turns out she has been attending Grace Covenant Church (where the McTighe's go when they are in the States and my old church) for the past month and a half! AND, she shared about how God used her sons and SouthLake school to show Himself to her. WOW!!!!
Feliz Cumple
Friday, June 20 was my 28th birthday.....I can't believe it! My friend Lillian organized a fun night out of Salsa dancing at a place called the Gallinero. Notice there are no pictures of the actual dancing because that would mean that I could actually DANCE! Ha! Lillian, Karla and Rudy left us in the dust with their rug-cutting skills.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Last Sunday I went to eat some tacos with the Mazariegos family whom I met 8 years ago on my first trip to San Luis. There were some guys playing music in the corner of the restaurant. John Maz said that if you told them your name and gave them some money they would make up a song about he did.....and they did!
Read about Huapango (english/spanish)
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
You might be NACO if.... ask for a to go box at a restaurant!
I went to an Italian Restaurant with my friends Karla and Quique last night. My ravioli was so amazing that when I didn't finish it all I was forced to ask for a go box....oops! This is a no no if you want to be a FRESA and not a NACO.
I went to an Italian Restaurant with my friends Karla and Quique last night. My ravioli was so amazing that when I didn't finish it all I was forced to ask for a go box....oops! This is a no no if you want to be a FRESA and not a NACO.
perfume a tus pies
Cuando pienso en tu amor
y en tu fidelidad
No puedo hacer más
Que postrarme y adorar
Cuando pienso en cómo he sido
y hasta donde me has traÃdo
Me asombro de Ti
Y no me quiero conformar,
He probado y quiero más
Yo quiero enamorarme más de Ti,
Enséñame a amarte y a vivir
Conforme a tu Justicia y tu verdad,
Con mi vida quiero adorar
Con todo lo que tengo y lo que soy,
todo lo que he sido te lo doy
Que mi vida sea para ti
Como un perfume a tus pies
Cuando pienso en tu cruz
y en todo lo que has dado
Tu sangre por mi, por llevar mi pecado
Cuando pienso en tu mano,
Que hasta aquà hemos llegado
Por tu fidelidad
One time a friend of mine told me that Mexicans are "La gente mas cálida en el mundo"- The warmest people in the world. It is so true!!!! Everyone I have met has invited me to hang out with them--it has been so much fun making new friends!
Sunday evening, my friend Karla took me to "La Luna," a cafe set on the top of a building that overlooks the Plaza San Francisco.
Later, her friend Lorena took us to see where she works- the only Hotel Museum in all of Latin America. It was beautiful. Each room is different and is named after a famous historical person. The whole building is filled with certified antique furniture.....I was almost afraid to touch anything :) You can take a virtual tour at PALACIO SAN AGUSTIN - ENJOY!

Sunday evening, my friend Karla took me to "La Luna," a cafe set on the top of a building that overlooks the Plaza San Francisco.
Later, her friend Lorena took us to see where she works- the only Hotel Museum in all of Latin America. It was beautiful. Each room is different and is named after a famous historical person. The whole building is filled with certified antique furniture.....I was almost afraid to touch anything :) You can take a virtual tour at PALACIO SAN AGUSTIN - ENJOY!
I love Coffee....but this is actually chocolate italiano (italian hot chocolate).
This is one of the 22 rooms at Palacio San Augsutin. Each one is unique.
Saturday, June 07, 2008
"Sometimes we need to stop analyzing the past, stop planning the future, stop figuring out precisely how we feel, stop deciding exactly what we want, and just see what happens."
I just read this quote somewhere and it seems like I may need to adopt it for my time here. I came to San Luis with ideas of what I was going to seems that God, so far, is having other plans...BEING and LEARNING.
Yesterday in the morning, Lisa and I went for a hour long walk and just talked about life and about what God is doing here in San Luis. Listening to Lisa and hearing about the work here was so encouraging.
Later, while Lisa and I were enjoying some huevos made by their cook, Naty, Lillian, a friend of Lisa's came over. She is 29 and teaches English and recently has come to know the Lord. We were immediate friends and spent the day together here with Lisa, talking and just enjoying being together. We talked for almost 2 hours after breakfast and then had a sweet time of prayer together.
I am challenged by Lillian and her desire and hunger for the Lord, and I am very happy to have a friend here!!! Last night we hung out with her cousins after her English class.
This morning, Lisa, Lillian, and I went to an Assemblies of God church that is preparing for their VBS that will take place in July. This church loves the Lord and has such a heart for evangelism. They have divided San Luis into 9 zones and have a great program planned for the kids. At the end of VBS, children and parents from the 9 zones will come to a big celebration at the church.
Today they were preparing for day 1....we learned songs with movements and the lessons for the day: Honesty! These ladies were so well organized! God is really using them to reach their community for Christ.
Friday, June 06, 2008
back where I belong :)
I arrived safely in San Luis Potosi around 10:30 last night. Jim and Lisa McTighe were at SLP`s very small airport (only 2 gates) to greet me and take me to their house in Bellas Lomas. There was a surprise waiting for me...kitties...lots of kitties :)
I am excited to be here and spend time with them, get away from life as usual, and see what God has in store!!!!
More to come...
I am excited to be here and spend time with them, get away from life as usual, and see what God has in store!!!!
More to come...
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Monday, June 02, 2008
a what?
There was a shiny, rather large, black widow making its home in the outer frame of the door to my apartment this morning. After swatting her halfway across the barn (with a broom), I put in her in a tupperware container to remind her, and all other spidery villains who attempt to invade my apartment, that their death is imminent.
Is it ok to combine Greek and Latin? :)
Is it ok to combine Greek and Latin? :)
Monday, May 26, 2008
favorite peruvian moments
Friday, May 23, 2008
Just say ADOBE!
The students learned how to make bricks from mud and straw yesterday! Click here
Beautiful Kids, Beautiful View
Our first day of VBS was so good! Praise God!
CLICK HERE for our Blog and Pictures
CLICK HERE for our Blog and Pictures
Thursday, May 22, 2008
student blogs
The students have been blogging! Check out what they have to say at
bus rides and pictures
We made it to the mountains safely!! It was a looooong ride...our driver was quite slow and cautious (a good thing!) and later our bus broke down (slipping gear box).....8 hours turned into 10 hours. Everyone was VERY happy to arrive at the Hostal Oasis around 8pm last night. Sra. Dora had warm zapallo soup, mashed potatoes and some kind of steak waiting for us.
After dinner Ryan and Rachel led worship, and Daniel led devotions, reminding us about the difference between work and service. Today, we are ready for Vacation Bible School and some construction!
6 hours into our trip, we reached 16,000 feet and this beautiful view.
Madeline shows pictures to one of the boys at CENTRO GIRASOLES in Lima.
Church of San Franciso, in Lima.
Everyone enjoyed the doves flying in their faces at San Francisco.
Tara, Charli, and Ryan watch on at Kawai.
After dinner Ryan and Rachel led worship, and Daniel led devotions, reminding us about the difference between work and service. Today, we are ready for Vacation Bible School and some construction!
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