Author: Edith Hamilton
So, this is where the inner nerd makes its appearance. When I was in elementary school I used to check out books on greek mythology, just for fun. When I saw this book for three dollars in a used book store a few years ago, it was impossible to leave it on the shelf.
The book includes Greek, Roman, and Norse Mythology. Before you laugh, it is a well known fact that CS Lewis was very fond of mythology (Have you read Til We Have Faces?). I also just verified this fact on wikipedia :)
Happy Reading!
Is it a collection of mythology or a book about mythology?
[And yes, Till We Have Faces = awesome]
Josh, have you noticed that you are the only person who comments?
It is a collection of Mythology! We read parts of it in High School, and when I saw it at the used book store, I decided it was a must buy!
That's because I represent 50% of your readers, and we both know you mom isn't going to comment. [Hi Trish's mom!]. You know, next time a simple "Josh thanks for taking the time to comment" would be nice. ;)
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