Author: Dodie Smith
Acquired: A Christmas present from my sweet Grandmother :)
I was hoping for a quick read so that I could feel like I was really moving along on this whole 42 book thing....I may have chosen the wrong book.
I did learn an interesting phrase, though. Can someone, without looking it up, explain what an "Auto da fe" is? A hint: Think Spanish Inquisition.
Oh I got this!
Auto de fe literally means "act of faith", but actually refers to burning at the stake of people considered heretics during the Spanish [and portuguese "Auto da fé"] inquisitions.
Betcha didn't think anyone would know!
Josh, are you sure you didn't look that up??!!!
Of course I'm sure!
You can ask my "Advanced Spanish for Native Speakers 3" professor Dr. Gomez! We had an entire unit on idiomatic expressions and colloquial metaphors...it was a lot of fun :)
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