Monday, January 10, 2011

4. Finish 42 books in 365 days.

Time is up!  On January 9, 2010 I decided to try to read 42 books.  Here is the list.  I am so thankful for good books.  They open the imagination and hold a mirror to our souls.   

1. From Fear to Freedom- Rose Marie Miller
2. Sense and Sensibility- Jane Austen
3. The Peace Maker- Ken Sande
4. Crazy Love- Francis Chan
5. Is That You, God?- Loren Cunningham
6. Designed for Dignity-Richard Pratt, Jr.
7. I Capture the Castle- Dodie Smith
8. Mythology- Edith Hamilton
9. Forgotten God- Francis Chan
10. What's He Really Thinking? - Paula Rinehart
11. The Five Love Languages of God- Gary Chapman
12. The Ligtening Thief- Rick Riordan
13. Sea of Monsters- Rick Riordan
14. The Titan's Curse- Rick Riordan
15. The Battle of the Labyrinth- Rick Riordan
16. The Last Olympian- Rick Riordan
17. The Hole in Our Gospel- Rick Stearns
18. Strong Women, Soft Hearts- Paula Rinehart
19. Too Small to Ignore- Wess Stafford
20. The Southern Cross- Paul Clark
21. A Grace Disguised: How the Soul Grows through Loss- Jerry Sittser
22. Animal Farm- George Orwell
23. The Last Sin Eater- Francine Rivers
24. Who Moved My Cheese? - Spencer Johnson
25. Understanding Who You Are-Larry Crabb
26. Choosing Rest- Sally Breedlove
27. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone- JK Rowling
28. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets- JK Rowling
29. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban- JK Rowling
30. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire- JK Rowling
31. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix- JK Rowling
32. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
33. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
34. Shepherding a Child's Heart- Tedd Tripp
35. Boundaries- Henry Cloud/John Townsend
36. Cold Tangerines- Shauna Niequist
37. Orthodoxy- GK Chesterton
38. Bittersweet- Shauna Niequist
39. How to Get a Date Worth Keeping- Henry Cloud
40. The Princess and the Goblin- George MacDonald
41. The Princess and Curdie- George MacDonald
42. A Severe Mercy- Sheldon Vanauken
43. The Miracle of Language- Richard Lederer
44. Suprised by Joy- CS Lewis
45. Phantastes- George MacDonald


Brian C said...

What happened to "Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy"?

trish said...

I still haven't read it....sad :( I think I still have your copy.....