Yesterday, we flew from Lima to Iquitos, which is Perú´s Amazon Port. The view from the plane was amazing. At first everything was just gray clouds. But then we began to see rolling mountains, and then sharp, snow covered peaks. After that, we saw a carpet of in every direction....And then I saw it...that snakey shaped river, looking just like it does in all of the text books I have ever seen....The Amazon.
We landed in Iquitos, which is a city only accessable by boat or plane, and were greeted by the smell of green....a welcome smell after the gray pollution and exhaust of Lima. The air was very humid and warm, but there was an evening breeze that made it feel like they had fixed the weather just for us.
After we gathered all of our bags, we walked to the parking lot where there was a very colorful, open bus awaiting us. As we got closer, I could hear something like Caribbean music comig from it. We loaded all of our bags....through the windows.....and then headed out.

As we were driving through the city, I noticed that there weren´t really any cars, just a vehicle that they call a MOTOCARRO (or MOTOTAXI). There are so many of them!!!! I even saw the family of 4 vehicle: A motorcycle with baby,dad, baby, mom seated in that order.
Our hotel is right on the Amazon river. We took a walk after unloaded all of our things. There is a festival happening for the patron saint of the region: San Juan Bautista (St. John the Baptist). They told that at this time of year you can order a meal representing the head of John the Baptist. It is rice, molded like a head with eggs and other items....yum?
There was a lot happening to celebrate the festival: clowns, fireworks, a girl dancing around some snakes, a parade, and a large statue of the Virgin Mary.
We ate dinner at a place called Ari´s burger....I had a super-delicious-cheese burger!!! My stomach was definitely happy.
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