We drove about 20 minutes until we came to a little inlet. The driver ran the boat ashore, and then we all got out to walk up the hill to our first school. There were houses, but they were sort of run down. EVERYTHING was muddy. When we arrived to the school, all of the students came out to the central ¨cancha¨ and sat in the bleacher. Elizabeth did a brief lesson about how God has created each one of us uniquely, while I translated. All of the kids were really reserved, especially when we tried to teach them a song. Rodrigo wrapped up the presentation by sharing how Christ had worked in his life. It was hard to read if they understood or if they accepted what was being said, but I know that we are just the seed planters....it is God who makes things grow.
As we arrived, by boat again, at the second town, we saw a bunch of older boys taking baths by the river (in their shorts...don´t worry). It was funny to see them all lathered up in soap. The kids at this school were younger, and were ready to sing and dance. We shared with them the same message as before. Once, again, we were just the seed planters.
Very soon, Scripture Union will begin working in these schools. The Peruvian government allows them to go into the schools to teach ¨morals.¨ Later on, all of the students will be invited to summer camp, where they will have an opportunity to make a decision about the Gospel.
1 comment:
Hey Trish,
I wanted to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! (even if it is two days late.) Hope you are having tons of fun in Peru. If you are turning 26 I want you to know that it is my favourite number so enjoy the year and make the most of numero vientseis (no i did not just use an online translator to figure out how to spell twenty-six in Spanish)... Love you lots chica and can't wait to talk you!!!
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