Friday, June 23, 2006

Coming to the End...

Well, we have just finished the last day of ministry that we will have here in Peru. It has been hard to get pictures uploaded at the internet cafe, so I will have to put them up when I get home. Here is a recap of the last few days (it will be quick because I dont have a lot of time)

Tuesday Afternoon and Evening: After the schools, we went to a butterfly farm where we saws lots guessed it.....butterflies! We also got to see a monster of a jaguar and a tapir and some crazy monkeys that kept chasing us!

We did a training time for the Scripture Union volunteers who go to work in the public schools. It was a sweet time of fellowship. Christy Robb did an amazing lesson on how to teach to change hearts. They also surprised with some really yummy birthday cake and a little princess crown =) following by lots of Peruvian birthday songs. My heart was full when we left that night.

Wednesday: In the morning, we went back to Centro Iquitos to do our dramas for the boys there. Then we ate lunch with them and just spent some time hanging out.

In the evening, we did teacher training for public schools teachers. Misty, Jess and I got to teach our lesson on "How to tell Stories." It went really well! The whole training took about 3 and a half hours, but all of the participants were grateful.

Thursday: Around 9, we left our hotel and boarded a boat to go to Puerto Alegria on the Itaya river. It is on of Scripture Union´s homes for abandoned boys. The trip up the river was AMAZING! We spent the day with the boys just hanging out. Later in the afternoon, we went walking....through the go invite other people to come to a program we would do the next morning.

In the evening, we sat with the other team that was there from Alabama and the boys and shared music, and dancing, and a lot of laughing.

Friday: We did a mini-VBS similar to the one we did in Kusi. There were several kids that we had invited, in addition to the boys who already lived there!

Afterwards, we all ate lunch together and then head back down the river to Iquitos.

Sorry this is sooooo brief and not very detail-y, but there will be more to come when I get back....with pictures too! We are going back to Lima in the morning and then home on Sunday (YEAH!) So I wont be able to write again until then! Chau for Now.

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