This past week or so has been some of the hardest, saddest moments I have experienced. It is not what anyone of us would have planned. My sweet friend and roommate, Aimee Powell, was killed in a car wreck last Thursday on her way to work. All of us who knew her count ourselves blessed to have known someone who loved God so genuinely and who taught us all how to love more fully and deeply and selflessly. I wish I could capture with words more of who she was; she was radiant, joyful, sweet, compassionate. She was refreshing in so many ways.
In the midst of this sad, hard time, God has shown Himself faithful. Surrounding and comforting His people. Speaking to all of us with the hope of the Resurrection though Christ. This is not it. There is more. He has given us His Spirit as a deposit guaranteeing what is to come. As Pastor Malloy said at Aimee's funeral, we have a deposit, but she has it all! Oh, my heart wells up! The joy she must know now as she hears the words, "Welcome home! Well done, my good and faithful servant. Come and enter into your Master's joy!"
No, it is not easy, but He is good!
One of the books that Brenda sent me is called Crazy Love. The back says, "It's crazy, if you think about it. The God of the universe- the Creator of nitrogen and pine needles, galaxies and E-minor- love us with a radical, unconditional, self-sacrificing love."
We will miss you, Aimee! See you soon!