Thursday, January 21, 2010

Book # 3: The Peace Maker

Since deciding to read 42 books in 365 days, somehow 2 more books have been added to my library. I think that the only way to read all these books will be to read some simultaneously (<--totally just misspelled that word and had to use the auto corrector).

Book # 3 is The Peace Maker by Ken Sande. We are doing this as a Bible Study in my Life Group. The cover of the book says: "Biblical Guide to Resolving Personal Conflict." Anyone with personal conflict out there? As I have found myself avoiding conflict and then handling it incorrectly when it does happen, even despite my best efforts to side step it, I am hoping that God show me how to handle conflict in a way that honors Him!

1 comment:

Susan Beaupied said...

I am so, so sorry to hear about Aimee--I am praying for you and everybody at Southlake.
Susan Cary Beaupied