Saturday, July 29, 2006

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Got Milk?

Got Milk? Aaron Burr

Ok, I am taking this online class, and someone in the class brought up this old GOT MILK? commercial...Enjoy! And don't forget the MILK!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

coffee + cat = ?????

So, my cat Louie officially likes coffee. At first I thought that she would just stick her nose in, get a taste, and run away.....NO! She keeps coming back for more! I put her on the floor, and she jumps up again.

Ok, I just put a book over the coffee to keep her out and now she is trying to knock it off. Not only has Starbucks taken over the human world, but next thing you know, they will be marketing to our pets.

Gross! I think she has coffee breath.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Why isn't life like an Indian Movie?

I just finished watching "Bride and Prejudice"...and I just have a question..."Why isn't life like an Indian movie?" Or maybe the better question is....Why isnt MY life like an Indian movie?

Monday, July 10, 2006

Che Bello, Italia!

Yay for Italy! Yesterday's World Cup Final was pretty intense. I went with my friend Christine to watch it at the house of some of her friends from church. It was a fun crowd! This one guy kept inventing a script for the replays. The players were saying things like "Croissant!" and "You'll be getting a visit from the mafia after the game" and for Zidane's now infamous headbutt to Matterazzi, "What'd you say about my momma??!!!"

So, here is the question....why doesn't anyone in the US watch soccer? In fact, why is it called football every where else but here? It seems like to be interested in soccer, you had to have travelled out of the country or just have an interest other countries.

Operation 2010 South Africa, go on a US wide soccer promo tour! It is too fun to miss!

FUN LINKS: (Offical Site) (re: so what did Materazzi say to Zidane?) change!

So, Louie is actually a girl! How does that always happen? We have decided to leave her name as Louie, but we are calling her Lu Lu. She sure is cute!

Monday, July 03, 2006

Louie Louie, oh baby...

Here is my new kitty Louie!!! He was my birthday present from my roomie, Rhonda. Named in honor of our favorite Mexican city =) Posted by Picasa