Saturday, November 11, 2006

thoughts from cs lewis and the bible

It seems to me that we often, almost sulkily,
reject the good that God offers us because,
at the moment, we expected some other good.
- CS Lewis, Letters to Malcolm

LORD, you have assigned me my portion and my cup;
you have made my lot secure.
The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
surely I have a delightful inheritance.
- Psalm 15:5-6

Friday, November 03, 2006

softball memories

YAY! I got to play softball tonight. I know it doesn't really sound that exciting, but it has been so long since I last played.... It was a little cold at first, but once you started throwing the ball and moving around, the weather was perfect. It feels so good just to be doing something sporty and active.

It definitely brought back a lot of college memories! We used to organize an intramural team for the Lee Symphonic Band....go LSB Ladies. I can't say that we were amazing, but we had a lot of fun. Eric Eledge, the official intramural organizer and writer of the "Intramural Insider" even gave us an honorable mention....One line of fame was all we had. Ahhh....memories...some of my favorites:

1. Randy Cantrell's chant: "Who plays the best positions? Musicians?
2. Katie Bredamus yelling "3 up, 3 down"
3. Hunting for players at the last minute so we would have enough
4. Choosing softball over studying for very important Dr. Bowdle tests
5. Getting made fun of in during band accidentalism (initiation) for being a little overexcited about softball.
5. Jamie Nichols, Jen Miles, Jen Small, Katie Bredamus, Nikki Gorman, Jessica Porter, and others.

So, here's to softball and college memories!