Saturday, May 18, 2013


Busy, busy, busy
spin, spin, spin
put another coin in
watch her turn again, then
all this frantic racing
never thinking, pacing
how to get there fastest
never finish last, best

Rushing, sprinting, flying
run, run, run
cannot take a break, yet
no thing left undone, none
heart inside is shrinking
no room for feeling, thinking
A robot's all that's left here
There's no time for tears, dear.

Bring 'em back!

I have a confession: I get a little nostalgic thinking about the Charlotte Hornets.  The Hornets were MY team.  They were my parent's team.  They were every Charlottean's team. 

We remember Hugo the Hornet and holding our breath as Super Hugo attempted his flying flip dunks.  We remember Grandmama and the incredibly quick Mugsy Bogues.  We proudly displayed our teal and purple.  We loved the Charlotte Coliseum, electric with energy as all of the BEE-lievers cheered on the Bugs.

Rumor is that the Hornets are coming back to the QC.  We've been waiting!  So, come home Hugo!

** Another confession: I used to collect basketball cards. ; )  A little strange for a 10 year-old girl....

Friday, May 17, 2013


I find that I am a little intimidated at the thought of blogging right now.  I happen to be married to a really intelligent, logically-minded, theologian of a man whose dearest mum is a great grammarian and writer.  I am intimidated, very intimidated!

What if my blog is not logical or well thought-out or correctly punctuated?  What if I write something that could possibly be heretical?  What if I am not heretical or ungrammatical, but just a bad writer in general?  They would definitely know!

But I have to write.  There are too many thoughts flying around in my head.  They need somewhere to go.   So here we go!  Back to blogging and back to potential grammatical and theological heresy.

Food For Thought

I thought about changing the name of my blog to "Food for Thought,"  which would have absolutely nothing to do with real food and everything to do with the thoughts my mind is chewing on.

Hopefully my mind is chewing on truth. I once heard a guy say that truth is the mind's food.  I think he is right.  As my mind chews on the truth and deposits it into my heart, I find that I am changed, I am different, I am growing.

I need truth.

I want to be a truth eater.  Man does not live on bread alone, after all.